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It also killed the fantasy of gay men in the early 90s.Gay men also were used to see men having sex without condom in gay porn of the past.But,gay men got used to it.They still watched gay porn through the 90s and the 2000s with men fucking men with a condom. STDs are not a gay thing.Straight people also have STDs.Condoms in straight porn will kill the fantasy of straight men. Gay men basically had the measure B going on since gay porn from the early 90s.Around 1991,it was the year gay porn stars were forced to wear condom in gay porn.Condoms in gay porn became the standard since then.Gay men got used to it.Straights shoud get used to it as well.Condoms are not made for gay men.They are made for everybody. Straight porn still seems to have men fucking women without condom. Is the measure B thing really happening in straight porn?

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