Trip gay bar chicago 1958

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Then, as we were leaving, my fish taco milagro took place. We took in the blowhole, walked around on the cliffs and took in the tide pools. We needed to have pictures of 'George Washington.' A few well-placed George Washingtons, and we were on our way. We bribed a Mexican official to travel that far south (16 miles south of Ensenada) that day, because we didn't have the proper 'pictures' to be that far south. At high tide the Pacific Ocean forces itself through this spectacular spot on the jagged cliffs of the Baja Peninsula, and it is really something to see. We never ate the rest of the local food, until the day we took a day trip to La Bufadora.Īlthough it would be a great name for a Mexican gay bar, La Bufadora is a blowhole.

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It opened in 1958, and when it closed in 1987, it was regarded as one of. The orphaned Mexican kids ate our Wonder Bread like it was cake. His bar Gold Coast is believed to have been the first leather bar in the country.

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We ate burgers and sandwiches at the campground. We walked right by the Mercado Ensenada, where the fish taco was invented in 1958. That would explain my parents thinking it was OK to eat a Caesar salad in the border town of Tijuana, but not OK to touch anything but baked goods in Ensenada. Even though we loved Mexican food, back in those days it was thought that the farther you got from the border, the more dangerous the eating experience became.

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We never really ventured into Ensenada to eat.

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